Friday, June 02, 2006

SQL Server 2000 Password Security

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How does SQL Server store passwords?
SQL Server uses an undocumented function, pwdencrypt() to produce a hash of the user's password, which is stored in the sysxlogins table of the master database. This is probably a fairly common known fact. What has not been published yet are the details of the pwdencrypt() function. This paper will discuss the function in detail and show some weaknesses in the way SQL
Server stores the password hash. In fact, as we shall see, later on I should be saying, 'password hashes'.
What does an SQL password hash look like?
Using Query Analyzer, or the SQL tool of your choice, run the following query
select password from master.dbo.sysxlogins where name='sa'
You should get something that looks similar to the following returned.
This is the hash of the 'sa' login's password on my machine.
What can we derive from pwdencrypt() about the hash?
The query select pwdencrypt('foo')produces

but several seconds later repeating the query select pwdencrypt('foo') produces 0x0100D741861463DFFF7B5282BF4E5925057249
The two hashes are different and yet the input, ‘foo’, is the same. From this we can deduce that time must play an important part in the way password hashes are created and stored. The design reasons behind this will be such that if two people use the same password then their hashes will be different - thus disguising the fact that their passwords are the same.
Run the query select pwdencrypt('AAAAAA')
which produces

Now, we can note that there are probably two password hashes here. If you can't spot it immediately let me break it down

As can be seen, the last 40 characters are the same as the penultimate 40 characters. This suggests that passwords are stores twice. One of them is the normal case sensitive password and the other is the upper-cased version of the password. This is not good as any one attempting to crack SQL passwords now has an easier job. Rather than having to break a case sensitive password they need only go after the upper-cased version. This reduces the number of characters they need to attempt considerably.
Clear Salt
From what we know already, that changes in time will produce a change in the hash, there must be something about time that makes the password hashes different and this information must be readily available so when someone attempts to login a comparison can be performed against the hash derived from the password they supply and the hash stored in the database. In the breakdown of results from pwdencrypt() above the 84449305 portion is this piece of information.

This number is derived in the following fashion. The time () C function is called and used as a seed passed to the srand() function. srand() sets a start point to be used for producing a series of (pseudo)random numbers. Once srand is seeded the rand() function is called to produce a pseudo random number. This number is an integer; however SQL server converts this to a short and sets it aside. Lets call this number SN1. The rand() function is called again producing another pseudo random integer which, again, is converted into a short.
Let's call this number SN2. SN1 and SN2 are joined to produce an integer. SN1 becoming the most significant part and SN2 the least significant part : SN1:SN2 to produce a salt. This salt is then used to obscure the password.
Hashing the password
The user's password is converted to it's UNICODE version if not already in this form. The salt is then appended to the end. This is then passed to the crypt functions in advapi32.dll to produce a hash using the secure hashing algorithm or SHA. The password is then converted to its upper case form, the salt tacked onto the end and another SHA hash is produced.
0x0100 Constant Header84449305 Salt from two calls to rand()43174C59CC918D34B6A12C9CC9EF99C4769F819B Case Sensitive SHA Hash43174C59CC918D34B6A12C9CC9EF99C4769F819B Upper Case SHA Hash
The Authentication Process
When a user attempts to authenticate to SQL Server several things happen to do this. Firstly SQL Server examines the password entry for this user in the database and extracts the "salt" - 84449305 - in the example. This is then appended to the password the user supplies when attempting to log in and a SHA hash is produced. This hash is compared with the hash in the database and if they match the user is authenticated - and of course if the compare fails then the login attempt fails.
SQL Server Password Auditing
This is done in the same manner that SQL Server attempts to authenticate users. Of course, by far the best thing to do is, first off, is attempt to brute force the hash produced from the upper-cased version. Once this has been guessed then it is trivial to workout the case sensitive password.
Acknowledgements: The above articles was from a pdf document published by on 24th June, 2002.

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